Nuestro hermano Pier Giorgio

A veces me pregunto qué quedará de nosotros, de nuestra memoria, el día que muramos. Cuando lo pienso, recuerdo una canción de Fray Orlando Rueda. En ella, Domingo responde: “Bajo los pies de mis frailes debo quedar. En sus pies mis pasos continuará. En sus labios mi voz se escuchará”. Los dominicos viviremos para siempre, […]

Our brother Pier Giorgio

Sometimes I wonder what will be left of us, of our memory, the day we die. When I think about it, I remember a song by Fray Orlando Rueda. In it, Dominic responds: “Under the feet of my friars I must remain. At their feet my footsteps will continue. On their lips my voice will […]

Frassati Project

We present you the Frassati Project, what is it and what are the requirements to apply? 🤔 Discover it in this post.  What is it? The Frassati Project is a financial programme of the IDYM International Commission with the support of the General Curia of the Order that seeks to subsidise up to 800 euros per person […]


WYD Lisbon 2023 will take place from August 1 to 6 and the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life held the international preparatory meeting for WYD2023, organized by the Local Organizing Committee (COL), in the Paul VI Auditorium in Fatima (Portugal). This meeting was attended by Card. Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for […]


On August 31, the Master of the Order, fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP confirmed the election of the new International Commission of IDYM (2022-2026). This decision ratifies the democratic election made by the young people belonging to the Dominican Youth Movement around the world, gathered virtually in their International Elective Assembly. Thus, the new […]

DYM Northern Italy

The Dominican Youth groups in Milan, Bologna and Triveneto have resumed their activities, even though the health emergency in Italy continues. Each group proposed a specific catechetical programme. The young people of the Milan group, led by Brother Daniele,focused their reflection on the book Contro Maestro Ciliegia by the Italian theologian Giacomo Biffi. Attention was […]

Annual Rosary Pilgrimage – DYM Malta

The month of October, is known as the month of the Rosary, the favorite prayer of our father St. Dominic. TheDominican parish led by then Fr. Portelli O.P. have organized a pilgrimage as a thanks giving to our Lady of the Grotto, inthe Dominican church in Rabat, some 12 km away. Since then this pilgrimage […]

Njoo Uone – Logo for our Meeting and Assembly 2020

This logo captures the unity of the Dominican family. The two figures in black symbolizes the youth, with joy and awelcoming gesture. This means as Dominican Youth we welcome each other and await to build new relations with theDominican Youth from all over the world. These two figures hold up a stand, and on this […]

Universal love

Human beings love because God loves them; in fact, this love can extend to the whole world without condition. It is aquestion of divine or superhuman charity: human love empowered and perfected by God’s grace. With this infinite, free andundeserved gift, in time we can cultivate, on the one hand, a contemplative life -affective dimension […]

Youth at the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace

DYM youth (International Dominican Youth Movement), through the international commission of IDYM (InternationalDominican Youth Movement) have a representative at the IDCJP (International Dominican Commission of Justice andPeace) of the Order. But, what is this? What’s it for? Who is part of this commission? What do they do? And… so many otherquestions surely arise only with […]