DYM Northern Italy

The Dominican Youth groups in Milan, Bologna and Triveneto have resumed their activities, even though the health emergency in Italy continues. Each group proposed a specific catechetical programme.

The young people of the Milan group, led by Brother Daniele,focused their reflection on the book Contro Maestro Ciliegia by the Italian theologian Giacomo Biffi. Attention was also given to Benedict XVI’s encyclical Spe Salvi. The underlying theme is to analyse three questions that are essential for the self-understanding of every man, trying to find an answer for each of them: Who am I? Where am I? To whom do I belong?

The Triveneto group brings together young people from the provinces of Trento, Belluno, Treviso, Vicenza and Udine. Its operational headquarters is in Conegliano Veneto. The central theme of this year’s meetings is ‘Holiness and Life’. Reflecting on Pope Francis’ encyclical Gaudete et exsultate, the group, assisted by Brother Marco, will try to understand how holiness is nothing other than a form of friendship with God and among people in the intelligence of faith.

The Bologna group, linked to the Patriarchal Basilica of San Domenico, with the help of Brother Paolo P., Brother Paolo Z. and Brother Andrea, continues its course of biblical catechesis with a special focus on emerging issues in daily life.

There are also initiatives at provincial level: in January there will be an online prayer meeting with a reflection by the prior provincial, and in February there will be a new online meeting of a formative kind in which Brother Marco Rainini will help the participants to understand how in the Dominican vision study is not only a serious commitment but also a source of pleasure, a sapiential and contemplative activity.

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