Reflection on the Visitation to the Amityville Motherhouse by our young college preachers

It was a day to remember. The National College “Preachingin Action” Conference held through Molloy Collegehospitality in the week of May 23-25, 2017 visited theDominican Sisters’ Motherhouse in Amityville, NY on Friday,May 26. A day to remember, indeed!

Several of the group took it upon themselves to socializewith the home-bound elderly Sisters. The “sharing” coveredmany aspects of living, of living spiritually and materially.There also was an agricultural interest shared with thoseinterested in crops, harvesting and distribution of goods.The exchange between the elderly Sisterhood and the youthof America has brought growth and development to all thosewho participated.Come again students. We love to be “hostess.”

We indeed were blessed to see and feel your potentiality in a world that surely needs your healthy approaches to life and morality. Come again, we thoroughly enjoyed your sharing and have “grown,” thanks to the infusion of young ideas and challenges. Go your way, blessed youth of America. Continue to sow your very positive seeds in a time that seeks positivism.

We learned a lot about the potentiality of decent American youth. May God’s blessing be upon the youth of America! It was our pleasure to share action and re-action with you! Daily existence never stands still and your eagerness to explore all levels of life and living, as well as, all aspects of reflection on our current society.

Sister Anne Toomey, OP
Amityville Dominican Sister

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