Dominismissio – Voluntariado Teresa de Saldanha

VTS “Voluntariado Teresa de Saldanha” has been part of my life since 2016. Normally, when a person joins the group is because someone invites him/her. In my case, I made myself invited and asked the volunteers if I could start participating in their meetings. I admit, it was a little bit of a crazy decision! […]
Reflection on the Visitation to the Amityville Motherhouse by our young college preachers

It was a day to remember. The National College “Preachingin Action” Conference held through Molloy Collegehospitality in the week of May 23-25, 2017 visited theDominican Sisters’ Motherhouse in Amityville, NY on Friday,May 26. A day to remember, indeed! Several of the group took it upon themselves to socializewith the home-bound elderly Sisters. The “sharing” coveredmany […]