DYM Haiti celebrates its 10th anniversary. Almost all these years they have also organized a summer camp, this year it wasthe seventh edition of this Missionary Camp. It is organized around 3 areas:
1. A small mission of evangelization
2.Mobile clinic
3. Tourist visit
This year, the Evangelization mission was on a larger scale. It was held in the city of Jermia, Haiti, located in the diocese of”Grand’Anse”, a department of the country to the south. This year’s motto was “The common good in the social doctrine ofthe Church and in the framework of Aparecida”. This mission of evangelization was carried out during 3 days in 4 parishesof the city.
The young people of the MJD were accompanied by 4 student friars from the province of Toulouse, whoparticipated together with the friar who accompanies the young people in Haiti. The last day of the mission ended with agreat Mass, a spiritual concert, the procession of torches and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the cathedral of thecity. At the end of these activities, a new MJD group began its journey in this city.

El mobile clinic was organized in the neighborhood of Santa Helena and the people responded to the call in a massiveway. About 400 people were consulted. They were given food kits and medicines.
During the tour, MJD youth had the opportunity to discover the riches of this area of the country with its beautifullandscapes and beaches. The young people had the opportunity to become aware of the importance of reforestation.

The missionary camp this year was a success with the preaching mission that was the center of the activities for the tenthanniversary of the MJD Haiti.